But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you — see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
2 Corinthians 8:7
Give Online
Give safely and securely via our Stewardship giving portal.
Please make cheques payable to Custom House Baptist Church. Cheques can be dropped at the giving point or posted.
Direct to Bank
Set up a standing order with your bank using the account details provided below:
Custom House Baptist Church
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-67-88
Account No: 40926876

Gift Aid it!
‘Gift Aid’ your giving where possible. This makes what you give go further. For instance every £1 given, with Gift Aid, becomes £1.25
Why Give?
Giving is one of the marks of a committed Christian and is one of the three spiritual disciplines Jesus mentions in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ – When you pray… When you fast … When you give…
Our heart is moved to give because we our Heavenly Father gave His only Son so that our sins will be forgiven [John 3:16] When we give we also become more like Jesus our Saviour, who gave Himself up so that we may be saved [Matthew 20:28] The Bible challenges us not to neglect generous giving but to ‘excel in the grace of giving’ [2 Cor. 8:7] Finally, Jesus promises blessings for those who give; “give and it shall be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over … [Luke 6:38]
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a U.K government tax incentive that allows your church to claim back 25% of your giving. So for instance if you gave £100, with Gift Aid you are giving will be £125. This is why gift aiding your giving is important. All that Gift Aid requires is that you are a U.K tax payer. If you want more information please email churchadmin@customhousebaptist.org.uk with Gift Aid as the subject. Thank you for giving and God bless.
How is my giving used?
Your giving goes a long way in supporting the core activities of your church – Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Mission. These activities take on various forms – children’s ministry (massive), youth ministry, outreach programs, community events (Tea Parties, Easter Egg Hunt etc.) supporting persecuted Christians, helping members in difficulty and much more. Then there’s the regular operations of the church too.
Without your giving , none of the above would happen. So, THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS GIVING ALWAYS and God bless.