Easter 2023 Reloaded!
We had an absolutely fabulous time this past Easter Sunday. We were reminded of the great news again, that “Christ is Risen” that because of His death and resurrection, our sins are forgiven, and that we have eternal life. That’s really GOOD NEWS!

Sunday Worship Service
Join us every Sunday for great fellowship, great worship, and of course, God’s unchanging word. You’ll be glad you came!
Getting Connected
We c ertainly do not want anyone to feel out of place in church of feel outside of the loop. On our Getting Connected page you’ll find several ways of plugging in. And if all else fails, ask to speak to the pastor 🙂
Main Worship Service
In Person & ONLINE – 11AM – 12:30PM
260 Prince Regent Lane
(Next to Custom House Library)
Custom House, London
E16 3JJ